Title: Fix It For Us
Author: Emme Burton
Genre: New Adult/ Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 10,2014
Biz Connelly and Davis Brandon’s love took them by storm – literally.
A blizzard that stopped classes at Weldon University for four days snowed them in. They’re sure of their love for one another, but after their emotional, whirlwind beginning, just how well do they know each other? Learning about each other, navigating their other relationships and trying to overcome Biz’s secret could push them apart – and closer to danger.
Is love alone enough when forces beyond their control are at play? How do you ensure the person you love will stay, not go away, no matter the consequences?
About The Author
Emme Burton is the author of Better Than Me, her debut novel. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her amazing husband and sons, and her “fur boy.” Emme has never, ever been lost in a mall either as a child or an adult. Her mother, and now her family, have always known where to find her. At the bookstore.
Like Emme’s Facebook Page: Author Emme Burton
And Follow her on Twitter: @EmmeBurton
It’s taking me longer than usual to get ready. Davis is already showered, dressed and out of the bedroom. I’m moving a bit slowly. Dragging my feet on purpose? Still a bit pouty? I just don’t feel quite right, but decide to pull it together and get going.
I have a great little dress for the party that PJ picked out for me from costume storage. It’s a red flapper dress, but instead of the usual fringe, it has strips of fabric with jet beading. It swishes and sparkles. I also have amazing “underpinnings” as PJ called them. Red bra and panties with black polka dots and satin trim. Roll top stockings, too. Very authentic. I want to be fun and sexy from the inside out. I’m feeling pretty good about the outfit. I’ve spent a long time on my makeup. Did my research online. Bright red structured lips with a perfect bow and smoky eyes. The only other time I wear this much make up is on stage. The final touch is a black bob wig. Chin length. Smooth, shiny and sassy. When I put it on I hardly recognize myself. I wonder what Davis will think. As I finish up, I hear the doorbell ring. That will probably be Smitty.
Entering the living room through the French doors of Davis’ bedroom I see there is a pre-party party occurring. Smitty is being introduced to Kathleen. Davis has pulled a bottle of champagne out of a bucket of ice and is just pouring the first glass. He looks up as I come through the doors and has to quickly pull the bottle back, as he was pouring and not looking and almost overfilling the glass.
“Oops, shit,” he says, shaking some champagne off his hand and then wiping it on the towel around the bottle. “Lizard? God, you look so different. I mean, Good … Great, like you, but different. And Jesus, HOT. Smokin’ hot.” He is effusive with his praise of my look, while at the same time not believing that it’s really me. “Smitty, Kath … doesn’t Biz look … Oh my god, HOT.”
I tease him because I’ve never seen him act this way before and I am getting a big kick out of it. “You said that already.”
“It bears repeating. HOT.” He is finally making his way over to me with a glass of champagne. Attired in a tuxedo with his hair slicked back like a 20s gangster, I could say the same about him. HOT. When he gets right in front of me, he doesn’t touch me, just puts his forehead on mine and breathes out, “I am totally going to get to fuck a hot flapper tonight. The wait is going to be excruciating” – and then he bites his lip. Barely touching me and he is arousing all my senses. Jesus, now my little polka dotted panties are in flames. And we still have a party to go to.
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